HC Deb 24 April 1907 vol 173 c51
MR. FFRENCH (Wexford, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that about two-thirds of the land of the county Wexford has been sold out, and that most of the agreements have been lodged before 1905; that both landlords and tenants are affected by the inspections not being made, the landlords having to do without their money and the tenants having to pay 4 per cent. and 3 ½ per cent. instead of 3 ¼ per cent.; and whether he will say if an inspector could be appointed to Wexford county, and stay there until the present block is removed.


It is the fact that a considerable part of the land in county Wexford has been sold under the Land Acts. All estates in the county in regard to which purchase agreements were lodged before 1905 have been inspected, and the advances have been made in all such cases except three. Under the regulations the Estates Commissioners deal with estates in order of priority of application, and it would not be practicable, nor indeed would it be fair to other counties, that Wexford cases should be taken out of their proper turn.