HC Deb 23 April 1907 vol 172 cc1580-2

reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had nominated the following Members to serve on the three Standing Committees for the consideration of all Public Bills not relating exclusively to Scotland, which may be committed to a Standing Committee.

Standing Committee A.

Mr. Adkins, Mr. Arthur Allen, Sir William Anson, Mr. Arkwright, Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Ashley, Mr. Baker, Mr. Godfrey Baring, Mr. Beckett, Sir John Bethell, Mr. Boland, Mr. Cave, Sir Frederick Cawley, Mr. Evelyn Cecil, Mr. Chance, Mr. Cobbold, Sir William Collins, Mr. Harold Cox, Mr. Charles Craig, Mr. David Davies, Mr. Ellis Davies, Mr. Timothy Davies, Mr. Devlin, Mr. Arthur Dewar, Sir William Foster, Sir Christopher Furness, Mr. Secretary Gladstone, Mr. Glover, Mr. Ellis Griffith, Mr. Gwynne, Mr. Harrison-Broadley, Mr. Alexander Harvey, Mr. William Edwin Harvey, Captain Hervey, Mr. Hodge, Mr. William Hope, Sir John Jardine, Lord John Joicey-Cecil, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Lambton, Mr. Bonar Law, Mr. Lloyd Morgan, Mr. McKillop, Mr. Mansfield, Sir Henry Norman, Mr. Nussey, Mr. O'Shaughnessy, Mr. Parkes, Mr. Partington, Dr. Pollard, Mr. Thomas Richards, Mr. Rickett Mr. Charles Roberts, Mr. Rothschild, Mr. T. W. Russell, Mr. Herbert Samuel, Mr. Seaverns, Major Seeley, Mr. Shackleton, Mr. Smeaton, Mr. Smyth, Sir Benjamin Stone, Mr. Theodore Taylor. Mr. Waldron, Mr. Walrond, Mr. John Ward, and Mr. Cathcart Wason.

Sanding Committee B.

Sir John Baker, Captain Balfour, Mr. Barnard, Mr. Bridgeman, Mr. Bright, Mr. Burns, Mr. Butcher, Mr. Byles, Viscount Castlereagh, Lord Robert Cecil, Sir Francis Channing, Mr. Cleland, Mr. Clynes, Major Coates, Mr. Cochrane, Dr. Cooper, Sir Edwin Cornwall, Sir Henry Cotton, Mr. Courthope, Mr. Vaughan Davies, Mr. Evans, Mr. Ferens, Mr. Flynn, Mr. Haddock, Mr. George Hardy, Mr. Harwood, Mr. James Haslam, Mr. Hazleton, Colonel Ivor Herbert, Mr. Higham, Mr. Hooper, Mr. Hutton, Mr. William Jones, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Kettle, Sir Henry Kimber, Mr. Lane-Fox, Sir Joseph Leese, Sir Francis Lowe, Dr. Macnamara, Mr. Massie, Mr. Meehan, Mr. Mond, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Murray, Mr. Nannetti, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Nolan, Mr. Parker, Mr. Paulton, Sir Francis Powell, Mr. Charles Price, Mr. Rainy, Mr. Richardson, Mr. John Robertson, Mr, Rogers, Mr. Solicitor-General, Mr. Soares, Mr. Austin Taylor, Mr. David Alfred Thomas, Mr. Walton, Mr. Walsh, Sir Thomas Whittaker, Mr. Wolff, Mr. Wyndham, and Mr. Yoxall.

Standing Committee C.

Mr. William Abraham (Cork), Mr. Ainsworth, Mr. Alden, Mr. Harmood-Banner, Mr. Barran, Sir John Benn, Mr. Billson, Mr. Bowles, Mr. Brace, Mr. Bramsdon, Mr. Carlile, Mr. Cheetham, Mr. Herbert Craig, Mr. Cremer, Mr. Cross, Mr. Cullinan, Mr. Dickinson, Sir Frederick Dixon-Hartland, Mr. Dolan, Sir George Doughty, Mr. Duckworth, Mr. Charles Duncan, Mr. James Duncan, Mr. Clement Edwards, Mr. Everett, Mr. Denison Faber, Mr. Findlay, Mr. Munro Ferguson, Mr. Hart-Davies, Mr. Hayden, Mr. Healy, Mr. Idris, Mr. Atherley-Jones, Mr. Kearley, Mr. Lehmann, Mr. Lloyd-George, Colonel Charles Long, Mr. Walter Long, Sir Philip Magnus, Major McMicking, Mr. Jeremiah MacVeagh, Viscount Morpeth, Mr. Napier, Mr. Paul, Earl Percy, Mr. Pickersgill Mr. William Priestley, Mr. William Redmond, Mr. Rees, Mr. George Henry Roberts, Sir George Scott Robertson, Mr. Abel Smith, Mr. Soames, Sir Albert Spicer, Sir Edward Strachey, Mr. John Taylor, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Verney, Sir Howard Vincent, Mr. Vivian, Mr. Walker, Mr. Warner, Mr. George White, Mr. Whitehead, Mr. Osmond Williams, Lord Willoughby de Eresby, and Mr. Young.


further reported from the Committee that they had nominated Committee A as the Committee on which Government Bills shall not have precedence.


further reported from the Committee that they had selected the following eight Members to be the Chairmen's Panel, and to serve as Chairmen of the Four Standing Committees to be appointed under Standing Order No. 47:—Sir Thomas Esmonde, Mr. Laurence Hardy, Sir William Holland, Sir David Brynmor Jones, Mr. Stuart-Wortley, Mr. Eugene Wason, Mr. John Wilson (Durham), and Mr. John William Wilson.

Reports to lie upon the Table.