HC Deb 22 April 1907 vol 172 cc1395-6
MR. C. NICHOLSON (Yorkshire, W. R., Doncaster)

To ask the President of the Local Government Board if he can state the number, ratio per thousand, and cost of in-maintenance and out-relief of paupers in the unions of Leicester, Poplar, West

Poor Law Union. Year ended Lady Day. Total number of paupers (except lunatics in county and borough asylums, &c., but including persons in receipt of medical relief only) on the 1st January in the year. Rate per 1,000 of paupers or estimated population Expenditure on maintenance of indoor paupers (year ended Lady Day). Expenditure on outdoor relief (year ended Lady Day).
£ £
Leicester 1904 5,546 25.2 17,927 24,088
1905 7,431 33.21 19,599 30,039
1906 7,948 34.28 24,327 35,666
1907 { 7,326 31.6 } 10,400† 16,207†
6,244‡ 26.9
Poplar 1904 7,760 45.8 60,142 24,399
1905 11,738 69.1 68,279 34,456
1906 11,332 66.5 71,513 45,667
1907 { 8,512 49.9 } 29,234† 17,469†
8,352‡ 48.9
West Ham 1904 14,532 23.1 65,681 63,796
1905 25,931 39.8 68,213 77,335
1906 20,726 30.7 71,540 82,702
1907 { 17,437 25.0 } 31,302† 39,422†
16,854‡ 24.2
Woolwich 1904 2,241 16.4 21,550 4,922
1905 2,132 15.3 21,303 4,627
1906 2,445 17.3 22,698 4,832
1907 { 2,563 17.8 } 10,3471† 2,252†
2,348‡ 16.3
†For the half-year ended Michaelmas, 1906.
‡Number of paupers relieved on 13th April, 1907.

Ham, and Woolwich for the last four years.

(Answered by Mr. John Burns.) The particulars desired, so far as they can be given at the present time, are shown in the following table. The figures as to the expenditure in the half-year ended at Lady Day last are not yet available.