HC Deb 17 April 1907 vol 172 cc987-8
MR. J. MACVEAGH (Down, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland with reference to the necessity for school accommodation at Barnmeen, county Down, whether the Commissioners of National Education are aware that no other site is available, than that suggested by the manager; and, seeing that the rule of the three-mile limit has only recently been laid down, and having regard to the injury accruing from the present accommodation to the eyesight and general health of pupils and teachers and to the cause of education in the district, the Board will now reconsider their decision.


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that they are not aware whether any site other than that selected by the manager is available for building a new school at Barnmeen, nor does the Question appear to be relevant seeing that the Commissioners refused the manager's application for a building grant, not on account of the site, but upon the ground that there are already other schools within three miles of the place. The rule as to the three-mile limit referred to in my former answer is not a new rule, but has, the Commissioners inform me, been in operation for many years. The Commissioners do not see any sufficient reason for reconsidering their decision.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this school is two-and-a-half miles distant? Do not the Commissioners reserve to themselves the power to dispense with the rule under special circumstances, and has the right hon. Gentleman received a copy of a resolution passed at a public meeting of the people of the district claiming that there are special circumstances in this case?


I am well aware that the application of such a rule as this is always unpopular in the district affected by it, and I am sorry to see children under an obligation to go such long distances as even the one-and-three-quarter miles in this case, but I do not think that, even if I had the power I could in this case interfere with the discretion of the Commissioners.


The distance was measured last week and found to be two-and-a-half miles.


At any rate it is well within the limit.