HC Deb 17 April 1907 vol 172 cc990-2

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he can state the number of cases of burnings of residences, stables, offices, houses, animals and fodder which have occurred in King's County within the last six months; how many persons have been convicted in connection with these cases; how many claims for compensation have been lodged, and the amount in each case; whether, in every case of incendiarism, the property belonged to Protestants; and whether he has any information showing that these cases were the outcome of the propaganda of the United Irish League.


The police have reported four such cases as having occurred in King's County within the past six months. No conviction has been had. Claims for compensation have been made in each case, the amounts claimed being £15, £40, £200, and £2,040 respectively. In the two first-named cases £10 and £25 respectively have been awarded; the other cases have not yet been decided. The property burnt belonged to a Protestant in one case only. The Inspector-General informs me that he is aware of no grounds for suggesting that these eases were the outcome of the propaganda of the United Irish League.

MR. HAVILAND BURKE (King's County, Tullamore)

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman was aware that public attention had been called by the King's County County Council and other local bodies, to the fires and other injuries to property, malicious in some cases and accidental in others, caused by tramps in no way connected with the county, and whether he would cause instructions to be issued to the constabulary with a view to preventing the classification of such outrages as agrarian outrages, and also whether it was brought to his notice that County Court Judge Curran at the last quarter sessions spoke in praise of the general condition of the county.


Order, order. The hon. Member seems to have a long list of Questions. I think he ought to put some of them down.

MR. REDDY (King's County, Birr)

asked how many of the cases reported as malicious had been withdrawn in the King's County, and whether it was not a fact that Mr. Good body, a well-known Protestant gentleman, was not a member of the council, and whether the Member for the Tullamore division was not also a Protestant?


Order, order. The same observation applies to the hon. Member's Questions.


said it was scandalous that such reflections should be sought to be made upon the county.