HC Deb 15 April 1907 vol 172 cc588-9
MR. JOYCE (Limerick)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the case of a soldier named Henry Hartney, No. 8,404, G Company, 2nd Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers, who was born on the 13th July, 1889, and enlisted before he was seventeen years of age, and to the fact that his widowed mother has claimed him on account of being under age, and has sent his baptismal certificate to the commanding officer when claiming his discharge; will he say what is the legal age for enlistment in the Regular Army; and whether, under the circumstances, this boy will be discharged and handed over to his mother.


The age for enlistment in the Regular Forces is eighteen. The circumstances under which any individual having mis-stated his age on enlistment can obtain discharge are fully set forth in paragraph 1805 King's Regulations. The power of deciding these cases is vested in the local military authorities, with whose discretion I am not prepared to interfere.


If the limit of age is eighteen and the baptismal lines of the recruit enlisted show that he is under seventeen, has the boy's parent or guardian power to secure his discharge?


When the recruit is very young we do not hold him by his act, but when he is nearly the age we give certain powers of discretion to the commanding officer to say whether or not he shall be released.


But why take advantage of fraud committed by persons who are considered infants by the law?


It is not a case of taking advantage of fraud at all. It is not right that a youth should be enlisted at his own request, and then when he finds he does not like it claim his discharge on a technicality.


Will the right hon. Gentleman recommend the military authorities to discharge this boy and send him home to his widowed mother?

[No Answer was returned.]