HC Deb 11 April 1907 vol 172 c341
SIR H. COTTON (Nottingham, E.)

To ask the Secretary of State for India, what was the number of chests of Bengal opium remaining in store in India and available for export on the 31st March, 1907.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) The number of chests of Bengal opium available for export which was in store on the 31st March last was 72,000 in round figures. The precise number is not yet available.

Year. Number of Deaths from Snake Poisoning. Population according to last Census. Death Rate per Million Living.
1876 15,819 185,163,353 85.4
1877 16,723 90.3
1878 16,740 90.4
1879 17,266 93.2
1880 19,150 103.4
1881 18,670 199,103,821 93.8
1882 19,519 98.0
1883 20,067 100.9
1884 19,629 98.6
1885 20,142 101.2
1886 22,134 111.2
1887 19,739 99.1
1888 20,571 103.3
1889 22,480 112.9
1890 21,412 107.5
1891 21,389 221,239,515 96.7
1892 19,025 86.0
1893 21,213 95.9
1894 21,556 97.4
1895 22,086 99.4
1896 21,000 94.9
1897 20,959 94.7
1898 21,901 99.0
1899 24,621 111.3
1900 22,393 100.8
1901 22,810 231,899,507 98.4
1902 23,167 99.9
1903 21,827 94.1
1904 21,880 94.3
1905 21,797 94.0

The Returns are probably not very accurate, as they are based on unskilled diagnosis. Rewards are offered in most provinces for the destruction of snakes,