HC Deb 10 April 1907 vol 172 cc215-6
MR. CREMER (Shoreditch, Haggerston)

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether the roof of the General Post Office has been converted into a rifle range where postal employees are taught rifle practice; if so, by whose authority a branch of the civil service is being used to assist the military service; whether any alteration has been made in the roof to adapt it to the purposes of a rifle range, and who authorised the alterations to be made; what the alterations cost, and who paid for them; whether any expenses are incurred in teaching the postal youths and employees how to shoot; and, if so, who pays the expenses.


A miniature rifle range has recently been erected on the roof of the Savings Bank building at West Kensington and another is about to be erected on the roof of the General Post Office North. The space in question is not required for any other purpose. The ranges will be used by Post Office employees in connection with their drill. All expenses in connection with their erection and maintenance are defrayed by the officers concerned, who have formed clubs for the purpose and no cost whatever will fall on public funds. I have every desire to facilitate the formation of such clubs, which are entirely of a civil character and have no connection with military service.