HC Deb 25 October 1906 vol 163 cc414-6
SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Homo Department if his attention has been called to the wanderings throughout Great Britain of a band of sixty German gipsies, admitted under his authority in the spring as desirable immigrants, and in defiance of the provisions of the Aliens Act; and if, having regard to the expense caused to local authorities by repelling their invasion and harrying them onwards, he will forthwith arrange for their deportation to the lands whence they came.

MR. MEYSEY-THOMPSON (Staffordshire, Handsworth)

At the same time may I ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that some 300 German and other gipsies were allowed to land in Scotland in the spring of the present year, that they have since been wandering about the country to the annoyance and danger of every district in which they have stayed and causing considerable extra police expenditure in order to control their movements; and whether the Government proposes to take any steps in order that these undesirable aliens shall be repatriated and a repetition of this grievance prevented in the future.


I have already explained how a considerable number of alien gipsies—it is believed between seventy and eighty—landed in Scotland in the early part of this year. It is incorrect to say that they were admitted as desirable immigrants, and still more so to say that they were admitted in defiance of the Aliens Act. There was no question of admission. They came in small parties on non-immigrant ships, and the Aliens Act, therefore, imposed no restriction on their landing. I have also stated how I brought pressure to bear on the shipping company which was carrying these aliens, with the result of stopping their further arrival. As regards those now in the country, the Aliens Act gives me no power save as regards any individual case in which a certificate has been given by a Court under Section 3. One certificate recommending the expulsion of one of those aliens has been received.


asked whether the alien gipsies were not now wandering about without ostensible means of subsistence, contrary to the provisions of the Aliens Act.


said his hon. friend must know quite well that this was not a question for the Home Office, but for any magistrate before whom the aliens might be brought.


asked the right hon. Gentleman whether he would consider the question of introducing an Amendment of the Aliens Act so as to deal with this particular annoyance.

MR. LUPTON (Lincolnshire, Sleaford)

asked if there was anything in connection with these gipsies which placed them outside the laws of Christian hospitality.


asked if the local authorities would be recouped the expense they had been put to by these gipsies.


Will the right hon. Gentleman lay on the Table particulars of the expenses incurred?


I will inquire into that.