§ MR. FIELD (Dublin, St. Patrick)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will consider the desirability of framing new regulations for the position of inspector under the Commissioners of National Education, Ireland, with a view to examinations by open competition in the future instead of the heretofore limited competitions governed by religious tests.
(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) Appointments to inspectorships of national schools in Ireland rest with the Commissioners of National Education, who inform me that, under the system which has hitherto prevailed, inspectors have been appointed by limited competition amongst candidates nominated by the Commissioners, half of the staff consisting of Roman Catholics. Examinations for inspectorships have, however, been suspended for some years past, and the Commissioners have not yet made regulations for filling future vacancies beyond providing that teachers of exceptional ability and qualifications are eligible for appointment as sub-inspectors.