§ The following Papers, presented by His Majesty's Command during the Recess, were delivered to the Librarian of the House of Commons during the 36 Recess, pursuant to the Standing Order of the 14th August, 1896:—
- 1. Trade Reports (Annual Series).—Copies of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series, Nos. 3685 to 3723.
- 2. Trade Reports (Miscellaneous Series).—Copy of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous Series, No. 654.
- 3. China (No. 1, 1906).—Copy of Correspondence relative to the Decree issued by the Chinese Government, on 9th May, 1906, respecting the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs.
- 4. Egypt (No. 4, 1906).—Copy of Further Papers respecting the Attack on British Officers at Denshawai.
- 5. Treaty Series (No. 10,1906).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom and Chile for the Exchange of Money Orders. Signed at London, 30th July, 1906.
- 6. Treaty Series (No. 11, 1906).—Copy of Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Nicaragua with regard to the Mosquito Territory. Signed at Managua, 19th April, 1905. Ratifications exchanged at London, 24th August, 1906.
- 7. Treaty Series (No. 12, 1906)—Copy of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Nicaragua. Signed at Managua, 28th July, 1905. Ratifications exchanged at London, 24th August, 1906.
- 8.—Treaty Series (No. 13, 1906).—Copy of Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting Commercial Relations between Canada and Japan. Signed at Tokio, 31st January, 1906. Ratifications exchanged at Tokio, 12th July, 1906.
- 9. Treaty Series (No. 14, 1906).—Copy of Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Delimitation of the Frontier between the British and French Possessions to the East of the Niger. Signed at London, 29th May, 1906. Ratifications exchanged in London, 29th August, 1906.
- 10. Explosions (Sedgwick, Westmorland).—Copy of Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the circumstances attending an explosion
37 which occurred at the factory of the Sedgwick Gunpowder Company, Limited, at Sedgwick, Westmorland, on the 23rd June, 1906. - 11. Explosions (Tuckingmill, Cornwall).—Copy of Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the circumstances attending the fire which occurred at the Explosives Factory at Tuckingmill, Cornwall, on the 20th April, 1906.
- 12. Factory and Workshop (Factory, &c., Railways and Sidings, &c).—Copy of Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by Chester Jones, Esq., on the Draft Regulations for Locomotives and Waggons on Lines and Sidings in connection with Factories, Workshops, &c.
- 13. Factory and Workshop (Manufacture of Cotton Safeguards.—Copy of Report by H. S. Richmond, one of His Majesty's superintendent Inspectors of Factories on Safeguards for the prevention of Accidents in the Manufacture of Cotton.
- 14. Mines and Quarries.—Copy of General Report and Statistics for the year 1905; Part II., Labour; General Report and Statistics relating to persons employed and Accidents at Mines and Quarries in the United Kingdom, and to the enforcement of the Mines and Quarries Acts.
- 15. Mines and Quarries.—Copy of General Report and Statistics for the year 1905; Part III., Output; General Report and Statistics relating to the Output and Value of the Minerals raised an the United Kingdom, the amount and value of the Metals produced, and the exports and imports of Minerals.
- 16. Mines and Quarries (Disaster at Courrières Mine, France).—Copy of Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by H. Cunynghame, Esq., C.B., and W. N. Atkinson, Esq., on the Mining Disaster at Courrières, Pas de Calais, France, on the 10th March, 1906.
- 17. Reformatory and Industrial Schools (Great Britian).—Copy of Forty-ninth Report of His Majesty's Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools for 1905. Part II. General Report and Appendices, III. to XI.
- 18. Reformatory and Industrial Schools (Funds) Committee.—Copy of Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the Provision of Funds for Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Vol. I. Report and Appendices. Vol. II. Minutes of Evidence.
- 19. Prisons (England and Wales).—Copy of Report of the Commissioners of Prisons and the Directors of Convict Prisons, with Appendices, for the year ended 31st March, 1906.
- 20. Canals and Waterways (Royal Commission).—Copy of First Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report on the Canals and Inland Navigations of the United Kingdom, with Minutes of Evidence and Appendices thereto and Indexes.
- 21. Trinity College, Dublin, and the University of Dublin (Royal Commission).—Copy of the First Report of the Commissioners, with Appendix (Statements and Returns).
- 22. Workmen's Compensation.—Copy of Statistics of Proceedings under The Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1897 and 1900, and The Employers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1905.
- 23. Police (Metropolis).—Copy of Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the year 1905.
- 24. Aliens Act, 1905.—Copy of Return of Alien passengers brought to the United Kingdom from ports in Europe or within the Mediterranean Sea during the three months ending 30th September, 1906; together with the number of Expulsion Orders made during that period requiring Aliens to leave the United Kingdom.
- 25. Railway Accidents.—Copy of General Report to the Board of Trade upon the Accidents that have occurred on the Railways of the United Kingdom, during the year 1905.
- 26. Railway Accidents.—Copy of Returns of Accidents and Casualties as reported to the Board of Trade by the several Railway Companies in the United Kingdom during the three months ending 31st March, 1906, together with Reports of the Inspecting Officers of the Railway Department to the Board of Trade upon certain Accidents which were inquired into.
- 27. Foreign Import Duties—Copy of Return of the Rates of Import Duty levied in European Countries, Egypt, the United States, Mexico, Japan, China, and Persia, upon the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom.
- 28. Colonial Import Duties, 1906.—Copy of Return, relating to the Rates of Import Duties levied upon the principal and other Articles Imported into the British Colonies, Possessions, and Protectorates.
- 29. Railway Signalmen (Hours of Labour).—Copy of Return, in pursuance of Section 4 of The Regulation of Railways Act, 1889, of instances in which eight hour and ten-hour Signalmen were on Duty on the Railways of the United Kingdom for more than their booked hours during the month of February, 1906.
- 30. Board of Trade (Labour Department) (Changes in Wages, &c).—Copy of Report on changes in Rates of Wages and Hours of Labour in the United Kingdom in 1905, with comparative Statistics for 1896–1904.
- 31. Board of Education.—Copy of Regulations relating to the Royal College; of Science, with which is incorporated the Royal School of Mines, the Royal College of Art, and to Museums under the Board of Education (from 1st August, 1906, to 31st July, 1907).
- 32. Board of Education.—Copy of List of Books, Pamphlets, and Papers dealing with the subject of Religions Instruction in Schools.
- 33. Board of Education.—Copy of List of Public Elementary Schools in England and Wales on 1st January, 1906.
- 34. Irish Land Commission (Proceedings).—Copy of Return of Proceedings during the months of March, April, May, June, and July, 1906.
- 35. National Education (Ireland).—Copy of Seventy-second Report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, being for the year 1905–6.
- 36. National Education (Ireland).—Copy of Section 1. of the Appendix to the Seventy-second Report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland for the year 1905–6.
- 37. Agricultural Statistics (Ireland).—Copy of Abstracts showing the Acreage under Crops and the number of Live
40 Stock in each county and province of Ireland for the year 1905–6. - 38. Agricultural Statistics (Ireland).—Copy of Agricultural Statistics of Ireland, with detailed Report for the year 1905.
- 39. Agricultural Statistics (Ireland).—Copy of Return of Prices of Agricultural Products and Live Stock for the year 1905.
- 40. Irish Land Commission (Estates Commissioners).—Copy of Report of the Estates Commissioners for the year ending 31st March, 1906, and for the period from 1st November, 1903, to 31st March, 1906.
- 41. Irish Land Commission.—Copy of Return of Advances made under The Irish Land Act, 1903, during the months of March and April, 1906.
- 42. Poor Law Reform Commission (Ireland).—Copy of Report of the Vice-Regal Commission on Poor Law Reform in Ireland. Vol. I. (Report), Vol. II. (Appendix), and Vol. III. (Minutes of Evidence and Index).
- 43. Lunacy (Ireland).—Copy of Fifty-fifth Report, with Appendices, of Inspectors of Lunatics (Ireland) for the year 1905.
- 44. Reformatory and Industrial Schools (Ireland).—Copy of Forty-fourth Report of the Inspector for the year 1905.
- 45. Public Records (Ireland).—Copy of the Thirty-eighth Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records and Keeper of the State Papers in Ireland, 1905.
- 46. Queen's College (Galway).—Copy of Report of the President of Queen's College (Galway) for the Session 1905–6.
- 47. Inebriate Retreats (Ireland).—Copy of Second Report, with Appendices, of the Inspector of Inebriate Retreats in Ireland for the year 1905.
- 48. Congested Districts Board (Ireland).—Copy of Fifteenth Report of the Congested Districts Board (Ireland), being for the year ending 31st March, 1906.
- 49. Fisheries (Ireland).—Copy of Report of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland for 1905. Part I. General Report.
- 50. Colonial Reports (Animal).—Copies of Reports, Nos. 489 (Seychelles, Annual
41 Report for 1905), 490 (Falkland Islands, Annual Report for 1905), 491 (Gambia, Annual Report for 1905), 492 (Jamaica, Annual Report for 1904–5), 493 (Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, Annual R sport for 1905), 494 (Ceylon, Annual Report for 1905), 495 (Turks and Caicos Islands, Annual Report for 1905), 496 (Bahamas, Annual Report for 1905–6). 497 (Barbados, Annual Report for 1905–6), 498 Malta, Animal Report for 1905–6), 499 British Central Africa Protectorate, Annual Report for 1905–6), 500 (The Surveys and Explorations of British Africa, Annual Report of the Colonial Survey Committee, First Year, to August 1906), 501 (Grenada, Annual Report for 1905), 502 (Straits Settlements, Annual Report for 1905), 503 (Gibraltar, Annual Report for 1905), 504 (Trinidad and Tobago, Annual Report for 1905–6). - 51. Australia.—Copy of Address to the King on the subject of Home Rule for Ireland and the Reply thereto.
- 52. Canada—West Indies.—Copy of Agreements between the Canadian Government and Messrs. Pickford and Black for a Steamship Service between Canada and the West Indies.
- 53. Colonies (General).—Copy of Statement showing the total amount contributed by the Colonies, Dependencies, and Protectorates to the upkeep of the Imperial Institute from the date of its formation to 31st March, 1906.
- 54. Cyprus.—Copy of Annual Report for 1905–6.
- 55. Malta.—Copy of Despatch from the Secretary of State relative to the holding of Protestant Mission Services at the Theatre Royal, Malta (in continuation of [Cd. 3024]).
- 56. Straits Settlements.—Copy of Reports on the Federated Malay States for 1905.
- 57. Tristan da Cunha.—Copy of further Correspondence relating to the Island of Tristan da Cunha (in continuation of [Cd. 1600], June, 1903).
- 58. West Indies.—Copy of Contract between the Crown Agents for the Colonies and the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company for Inter-Colonial Steamship Services between certain Colonies in the West Indies.
- 59. East India (Railways).—Copy of Administration Report on the Railways in India for the year 1905, by the Railway Board.
- 60. East India (Sanitary Measures).—Copy of Report on Sanitary Measures in India in 1904–5 (Vol. XXXVIII.).
- 61. East India (Statistical Abstract).—Copy of Statistical Abstract relating to British India from 1895–6 to 1904–5. Fortieth Number.
- 62. Fishery Board (Scotland).—Copy of Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland, being for the year 1905. Part III., Scientific Investigations.
- 63. Secondary Education (Scotland),—Copy of Report for the year 1906 by J. Struthers, Esq., C.B., LL.D.
- 64. Crofter and Cottar Colonisation Scheme.—Copy of Fifteenth Report of the Commissioners appointed to carry out a Scheme of Colonisation in the Dominion of Canada of Crofters and Cottars from the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland.
- 65. North Sea Fishery Investigations.—Copy of Report of the British Delegates attending the Meeting of the International Council for the exploration of the Sea, at Amsterdam, in 1906, and Report relating thereto.
- 66. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries (Intelligence Division).—Copy of Annual Report of Proceedings under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1899, the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887 to 1894, and other Acts for the year 1905.
- 67. Customs Tariffs (United Kingdom)—Copy of Customs Tariffs of the United Kingdom from 1897–8 to 1906–7.
- 68. Postal Agreement (Crete).—Copy of Agreement between the Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Post Office of Crete for the Exchange of Money Orders, dated 8th August—1st September, 1906.
- 69. Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland).—Copy of Fiftieth Detailed Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Scot land (Abstracts of 1904).
- 70. Peterhead Harbour.—Copy of Reports respecting Peterhead Harbour Works.
- 71. Army (Military Works).—Copy of Approximate Estimate of Expenditure under the Military Works Acts of 1897, 1899, 1901, and 1903.
§ Ordered, That the said Papers do lie upon the Table.