HC Deb 27 November 1906 vol 165 cc1435-6

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether he has now communicated with the Trustees of the National Gallery with reference to their action in allowing private firms to trade rent free within the precincts of the gallery; and, if so, with what result; and whether consideration will be given to the fact that, if an official department were opened at the gallery for the sale of reproductions of national pictures, a considerable contribution might be secured towards the maintenance of the building.


The Trustees have carefully considered this matter and have now informed me that the space available for the sale of reproductions, etc., is very limited, and that they have been advised that the rent to be obtained for it would be comparatively insignificant. They moreover desire to retain complete control over the approaches to the gallery, and are of opinion that that control might be impaired if the firms admitted were allowed to acquire, under agreement, a right to use them. In these circumstances they deprecate any attempt for the present to establish within the gallery a department for the sale of reproductions. In the event, however, of the existing buildings being enlarged, and more space becoming available, it would be a matter for consideration whether a substantial rent for any privileges which might be conceded to the vendors should be required.


Is it intended to allow these firms to continue trading on national premises without paying any rent, seeing that their stalls are very good stalls and their names are displayed as advertisements?


May I ask whether these private firms do not perform a public service in selling cheap guides and reproductions of national pictures; whether it is not very much to the advantage of visitors to the gallery that these reproductions should be easily obtained; and whether, as a matter of fact, it is not much more likely that the nation would lose money if an official department were opened for the sale of these things?


The same arguments were brought before the Public Accounts Committee in a similar case, and they were satisfied that there was no ground for making any change.