SIR C. E. SCHWANN (Manchester, N.)I beg to ask the Postmaster-General
† See (4) Debates, clii., 786–7; cliii., 636.1428 whether he is aware that, in reply to a memorial from the staff of the Manchester Post Office in 1903, the memorialists were informed that a revision of the indoor force was then pending, and that the grievances of which the staff complained would be considered under the revision; that so far the promised changes have not been authorised; and whether he will state when the revision of the force will be carried into effect.
§ MR. SYDNEY BUXTONI am aware that the Manchester postal staff were informed that their application of the 11th December, 1903, would be considered in connection with an approaching general revision of the indoor force. I regret the delay, but the inquiries in connection with a revision of such importance have occupied necessarily a considerable time, and the proposals are now approaching completion.