§ * MR. BRAMSDONI beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if he will 1411 state the average ago of the men receiving Greenwich age pensions in the years 1891, 1895, and 1906, and say out of what funds the increased amounts paid in respect of these age pensions for the two last-named years have been provided.
§ MR. EDMUND ROBERTSONThe approximate average age in 1891 was fifty-nine; in 1895, fifty-six; at the present time, sixty-three. These average ages refer only to men who have not belonged to the Seamen Pensioner Reserve; ex-members of that Reserve have always received pensions from Greenwich Hospital funds at the ago of fifty-five. The increased amount available for Greenwich Hospital pensions in l895 was provided partly by an increase in the rent paid from Naval funds for the use of the hospital buildings for the purposes of the Royal Naval College, and partly by the restoration of a grant of £16,000 formerly made to Greenwich Hospital from the Consolidated Fund, for which provision is now made in "the Navy Estimates. The increased amount now available was provided by a further increase in the rent paid for the Royal Naval College.