HC Deb 27 November 1906 vol 165 c1446

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners have got untenanted land belonging to Colonel Westropp to divide among the poorer tenantry in the parish of Clonlara, county Clare, under £15 valuation, and, if so the number of acres; whether their inspector has inspected the holdings and decided on the more deserving persons to get divisions of this land, taking into consideration the number of persons in each family and the want of tillage land; and if he can say what purchase money the Commissioners have sanctioned, and when will the division take place, and how many families will get divisions.


The Estates Commissioners inform me that the estate in question has been inspected, and the inspector's report is now under their consideration. The Commissioners have, however, informed the owner that they would decline to regard the lands proposed to be sold as an estate for the purposes of the Act, unless he should sell to them, for the enlargement of holdings in the neighbourhood, 175 acres of untenanted land. This the owner has expressed his willingness to do on certain terms which are now under the Commissioners' consideration. Until this question has been settled the Commissioners are unable' to make any statement as to the division of the untenanted lard in the event of their acquiring it.