HC Deb 22 November 1906 vol 165 cc972-3
MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has received a copy of a resolution passed by the Millstreet Board of Guardians, and which has been forwarded to His Excellency the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland praying i for the release of the political prisoner, John R. O'Sullivan, now confined in Maryborough Prison, and who has already suffered sixteen years imprisonment in connection with an agrarian offence; and whether, in view of the peaceable condition of the entire district, and the precarious condition of the health of the prisoner's wife, he will ‡See (4) Debates, cliii., 452. use his good offices with His Excellency towards securing the exercise of the clemency of the Crown in regard to the prisoner.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) A copy of the resolution passed by the Millstreet Rural District Council, appealing for the release of John R. Sullivan, has been received and will be submitted to the Lord-Lieutenant. It is to be observed that the offences of which Sullivan was convicted cannot properly be described as political offences. I am informed that Sullivan has now served almost fifteen years of the sentences imposed upon him, and at the expiration of that period his case will come before His Excellency for consideration. It does not fall within my province to make any recommendation to the Lord-Lieutenant upon the subject, but the hon. Member may rest assured that all the circumstances of the case will receive full consideration at His Excellency's hands.