DR. RUTHERFORDTo ask the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been drawn to the unprovoked attack, on the 27th October last, made by a body of police, led in person by the district superintendent, upon a party of students at Mymensingh who were on their way to the gaol to welcome a fellow student on his release from a term of imprisonment inflicted for participation in the Swadeshi movement; and whether he will inquire into the circumstances of this assault upon a number of individuals who were committing no offence at the time.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) My attention has been called to a newspaper report of the occurrence to which the hon. Member refers. If the information which that report contains in correct, the persons aggrieved have
† See (4) Debates, clxiv., 1286–7.972 their remedy either in a court of law or by appeal to the local government and to the Government of India. As at present advised, I see no reason for taking any action.