HC Deb 22 November 1906 vol 165 c1007

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if a treaty has recently been been concluded between Great Britain and the Republic of Hayti by virtue of which all children born in Hayti of British parents are to be considered as Haytian subjects, and thus liable to arrest, imprisonment, and death for a political offence, real or supposed, at the hands of the Haytian Governments; if he is aware that such children, if white, cannot hold real property or be appointed to any government post, and, if a male, is liable to be called out for military service; and if he is aware that France absolutely refused to conclude a treaty with Hayti on the same lines.


His Majesty's Government concluded a Convention with the Haytian Government on 6th April last, regulating the national status of British subjects and Haytian citizens in the territories of either country. If the facts be as stated by the hon. Member, a certain hardship would, in the case of persons of British origin born in Hayti, appear to exist. His Majesty's Consul-General at Port-au-Prince has, therefore, been instructed to furnish a Report on the subject; upon the receipt of which the question of what, if any, action can be taken by His Majesty's Government in the matter will be considered. I have no information as to the statement contained in the last paragraph of the Question.

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