§ MR. CATHCART WASON (Orkney and Shetland)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether it is 814 proposed to reduce or abolish the present Coast Guard force.
§ * MR. EDMUND ROBERTSONThe Admiralty have had under consideration the heavy expenditure falling upon Navy Votes in connection with the maintenance of the buildings and personnel of the Coast Guard service, and in view of the large proportion of this expenditure which is necessary solely for revenue purposes, an inter-departmental conference is now being held to consider whether any modification could be made in the present system of revenue protection, with a view to reducing the burden falling upon Navy Votes. Pending the conclusion of this conference, it is not possible for mo to anticipate the nature of its Report. I may, however, add that it has been found necessary during the last two years to close seventy out of a total of 780 Coast Guard stations. These were in all cases stations where new buildings or large repairs would have been necessary for their further maintenance, and where the duties could be otherwise provided for or were of slight importance.