§ MR. CLELAND (Glasgow, Bridgeton)To ask the Secretary of the Treasury how many temporary accountants have been appointed to the Department of the Accountant-General of the Admiralty since 31st March last; by whom were they nominated; what is the average cost per clerk per annum; and what would be the average cost if they were replaced by established assistant clerks.
(Answered by Mr. Edmund Robertson.) Twenty-six hired accountant clerks have been appointed since the 31st March last, eleven of them being vice second division clerks. Their average (commencing) rate of pay is 4s. 3d. a day nearly, or £66 10s. a year. The commencing salary of an assistant clerk is £55 per annum, but in their case there is the prospective liability for pension. The new entrants were selected by the Accountant-General, nine having previous service as boy clerk, nine being transferred from the works or store departments of the Admiralty, and eight being entered from outside on recommendations from their previous employers, etc.