HC Deb 13 November 1906 vol 164 cc1272-3
MR. CATHCART WASON (Orkney and Shetland)

To ask the Secretary for Scotland if he can give an approximate account to date of the working of the "Pioneer"; if she is now at work and where; and if he has had further communication with the manufacturers of the motor relative to the working of the capstan.

(Answered by Mr. Sinclair.) As the "Pioneer" is engaged in the prosecution of the English herring fishing, and as that fishing will probably soon come to a close, it is desirable to delay furnishing a report upon her working until the termination of the English fishing. The "Pioneer" is fishing from Yarmouth. There has been no further communication with the manufacturer of the motor relative to the working of the capstan. This matter and the advisability of further experiments will bo considered at tho conclusion of the English fishing.

1891. 1895. 1906.
Number of men eligible for Greenwich Hospital Age Pensions 10,300 10,250 12,630(Approximate numbers)
Number in receipt of Pension 7,500 10,000 9,050
Amount set apart from Greenwich Hospital Funds £79,800 £100,000 £100,900

The provision of pensions for all men eligible would involve an expenditure for the present year of £128,000.