§ MR. BERTRAM (Hertforsdhire, Hitchin)To ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to the number of deputy - lieutenants for counties who do not reside within the county for which they are appointed; whether he is aware that the provisions of Section 30(1) of the Militia Act, 1882, as to residence within the county, are-binding upon lords-lieutenant in making appointments, and that it is the duty of lords - lieutenant to displace deputy-lieutenants who cease to be qualified by residence; and whether he will call the attention of lords - lieutenant to the matter, with a view to the removal from office of all non- resident deputies.
§ (Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The Answer to the first part of the Question is in the negative. Residence within the county is a condition precedent to appointment only, and is not a qualification as defined by Section 33 of the Militia Act referred to. Residence outside the county would not affect the position of a deputy-lieutenant provided he retained one or other of the qualifications detailed in Section 33. The Act referred to does not apparently intend the Secretary of State for War to determine questions of qualification. That duty is imposed by the Act upon the lords-lieutenant.