HC Deb 12 November 1906 vol 164 cc1014-7
MR. CROOKS (Woolwich)

To ask the Secretary of State for War if he will state the maximum and minimum number of men engaged in the Royal Arsenal and Dockyard, respectively, for the years 1901 to the present time, and the amount paid in wages during each year; the amount spent on new buildings, plant, and machinery, and the value of old buildings, plant and machinery pulled down or removed during each year of the like period for the Arsenal and Dockyard, respectively; the amount of land acquired since 1901 in connection with the Royal Arsenal; and the amount of work given out to the Arsenal and to contractors, respectively, during the like period.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The information required is shown in the annexed tables:—

Maximum and minimum number of Men engaged in the Royal Arsenal and Dockyard respectively for the years 1901 to the present time,* and the amount paid in Wages during each year.
Numbers employed. Wages paid.
Minimum. Minimum.
Royal Arsenal.
1901–2 21,959 24,616 1,978,058
1902–3 19,691 22,302 1,727,710
1903–4 18,474 19,731 1,563,378
1904–5 18,198 19,463 1,484,718
1905–6 17,506 18,213 1,431,428
1901–2 1,332 1,705 111,985
1902–3 868 1,583 82,062
1903–4 595 769 47,872
1904–5 560 678 44,115
1905–6 477 579 38,796
Value of old Buildings, Plant, and Machinery pulled down and removed.
Year. Arsenal. Dockyard.
1901–2 3,017 2,000
1902–3 4,185 100
1903–4 6,048 1,150
1904–5 8,039
1905–6 5,848 2,200
Amount of land acquired since 1901 in connection with the Royal Arsenal 313 acres 1 rood 34 perches.
Amount of work given out * to the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, and to Contractors during the years 1901–2 to 1905–6.
Year. Amounts. Total.
Ordnance Factories. Trade.
£ £ £
1901–2 3,464,919 11,260,337 14,725,256
1902–3 3,105,345 6,611,277 9,716,622
1903–4 2,514,737 3,931,037 6,445,774
1904–5 2,718,205 2,446,453 5,164,658
1905–6 (excluding re-armament, see footnote) 1,941,434† l,977,540† 3,918,974
* The figures given are actual expenditure, exclusive of naval gun mountings, which are mainly manufactured by the trade.
† These figures exclude work on the re-armament of horse and field artillery, which is being done by the trade in two years, but in the ordnance factories in three years. The amounts under this head for 1905–6 were:—
Ordnance factories £592,739
Trade £1,463,345