HC Deb 08 November 1906 vol 164 c725
MR. SLOAN (Belfast, S.):

To ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that on Sunday, 2nd August last, the 16th Brigade of the 8th Division, who were on manœuvres, were compelled to march seven miles to Fermoy to attend Divine service without any rest whatever; if he can state why the 15th Brigade of Infantry and the Artillery, with guns and horses, had to march three miles to Moor Park to attend Divine service, although these are all stationed at Fermoy; and by whose authority on the afternoon of the same date military sports were held.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The General Officer Commanding 8th Division, Cork, reports as follows:—The 16th Brigade marched on Sunday, 2nd September (not August) from Skeheen Mountain camp to Moor Park (not Fermoy), distance seven miles; and two batteries, 31st Brigade, with two battalions, 15th Infantry Brigade, marched from Fermoy to Moor Park, distance three miles, where the remainder of the 31st Artillery and 15th Infantry Brigades were encamped, and where Divine service was held. Major-General Sir William Knox selected this day as the only one on which he could concentrate the whole division to address them before handing over command. The sports held the same afternoon in Moor Park were organised by Sir William, on his own authority, for the amusement of the troops.