HC Deb 06 November 1906 vol 164 cc317-8
MR. BRAMSDON (Portsmouth)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what number of lieutenants promoted from the ranks, and also of commissioned warrant officers, in the Royal Navy on the retired list, are now serving and holding Admiralty appointments in dockyards and other home towns; whether such officers receive their pensions in addition to their pay; and also, whether their Lordships will consider the advisability of replacing these retired officers, when vacancies occur, by these on the active list of the same rank and so accelerate promotion.


The numbers asked for in the first part of the hon. Member's Question are, six lieutenants and carpenter lieutenants, and ten commissioned warrant officers. One retired lieutenant receives retired pay and a salary, and four retired commissioned warrant officers receive certain special allowances in addition to pension. The remainder draw the pay and allowances of their rank when on the active list, plus the usual bonus of 15 per cent. allowed under the Order in Council governing the employment of retired officers, but not their pensions. All these officers being on the retired list, I am informed that their employment does not affect the promotion of others.