HC Deb 05 November 1906 vol 164 c130
MR. LAYLAND-BARRATT (Devonshire, Torquay)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether the attention of the Board has been drawn, by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries or otherwise, to the treatment received by the Brixham trawling ketch "J. E. S. S." from, and to the damage caused to her fishing gear by, a French steam trawler on the night of 25th October; whether the Board will press on the departments concerned the necessity of more effective protection against the repetition of such action; and whether, in view of the number of such cases which have occurred, steps will be token to provide, as soon as practicable, effective means for obtaining compensation and satisfaction for such injuries.


The attention of the Board of Trade has been called to the case of the Brixham trawler "J. E. S. S." The Board of Trade and the Admiralty realise the necessity of protecting British fishing interests in the Channel, and in this connection I would refer my hon. friend to the reply given on the 29th ultimo by the Secretary to the Admiralty to the hon. Member for the Totnes division of Devonshire ‡. The Board of Trade are now investigating the case, and will, if the facts are found to justify a representation to the French Government, suggest to the Foreign Office that such should be made. ‡ See (4) Debates, clxiii., 683, 684