HC Deb 02 November 1906 vol 163 c1450

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Commissioners of Education propose to continue the direction given to their inspectors not to recommend promotion in the case of teachers whose schools are not above reproach in construction and other respects, having regard to the fact that the Commissioners themselves admit that the teachers are not responsible for the present condition of affairs, and that there are no funds for the proper upkeep and maintenance of primary schools in Ireland owing to the action of the Treasury.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) The Commissioners inform me that they have not issued any such instructions as are indicated in the Question. On the contrary, their inspectors have directions to make allowance for any local circumstances that may affect the efficient working of a school. The Commissioners have, however, instructed their inspectors to take into consideration when forming an opinion of the teacher's efficiency, the manner in which the hygienic and sanitary arrangements are looked after by the teacher, the neatness of the teachers and pupils, and the general discipline which he enforces. † See (4)Debates, clx., 497.