HC Deb 02 November 1906 vol 163 cc1447-9
MR. WALTER LONG (Dublin, S.)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-

1st March, 1905. 1st Dec, 1905. 1st January. 1906. 1st Feb., 1896.
Free. Extra. Free. Extra. Free. Extra. Free. Extra.
Galway, E. R. 284 303 33 304 14 300 12
Galway, W. R. 310 294 38 293 38 291 38

NOTE.—It should be observed that the actual strength of the free force in a county is always necessarily below the nominal strength, because this latter

Lieutenant of Ireland if he will state the nominal and actual strength of the free and extra forces of police in the East and West Ridings of Galway respectively on the following dates: 1st March, 1905; 1st December, 1905; 1st January, 1906; 1st February, 1906, and first of each succeeding month, including October instant.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) The nominal free force fixed for the county Galway for the three years prior to 21st May, 1906, was:—

Galway, E. R 311
Galway, W. R. 349

Since 21st May, 1906, the nominal free force has been:—

Galway, E. R. 313
Galway, W. R. 303

There is no difference between nominal and actual strength in the extra force. The actual strength of the free and extra forces on the dates mentioned in the Question was as follows:—

includes a percentage of recruits in training at the depot to supply waste due to retirements, death, etc.


To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland what additions were made, and on what dates, to the police establishments in the East and West Ridings, respectively, of Galway in the year 1905; what reductions, if any, have since been authorised in the extra force of each Riding; whether the establishment in either Riding has been recently augmented; and, if so, to what extent and under what circumstances.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) In the months of March and April, 1905, the police force serving in county Galway was temporarily increased by the addition of the following extra force:—

East Riding 111 men.
West Riding 50 men.

The extra force in the East Riding was reduced by seventy-seven in April and May, 1905, that is, while the late Government were in office. The balance of thirty-four men was reduced from time to time from December, 1905, till 5th July, 1906, when the extra force was entirely dispensed with. In the West Riding the extra force was reduced by twelve men in May and June, 1905, and the balance of thirty-eight men was reduced in February, 1906, and finally dispensed with in June, 1906. The force of the East Riding was temporarily increased on 12th October, 1906, by twenty-five men of the reserve force, in consequence of disturbance in the Athenry district.