HC Deb 23 May 1906 vol 157 c1275
MR. CHIOZZA MONEY (Paddington, N.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been directed to the fact that in anticipation of a mooting advertised to be held in Paisley on Tuesday, May 8th, for the purpose of organising a trade union amongst their female employees, and with a view to coercing their employees not to become trade unionists, Messrs. J. and P. Coats, Limited, the proprietors of the British Sowing Thread Trust, circulated on Friday, May 4th, and Saturday, May 5th, in the Scotch newspapers, a paragraph announcing their intention of abandoning the extension of the Ferguslie Thread Works, plans of which had passed the Dean of Guild Court, and to establish the new mill in a foreign country; whether he has made any representations to Messrs. J. and P. Coats, Limited, on the subject; and what action he proposes to take in the matter.


Messrs. J. and P. Coats, Limited, inform me that they are considering the question of erecting a new mill abroad in continuance of a long established policy, and I understand that a projected extension of a mill at Paisley may be abandoned. The company deny the accuracy of the statements in the question as to the reasons for their action. The matter is not one with regard to which the Board of Trade have any jurisdiction.


Is the hon. Member aware that Messrs. J. and P. Coats themselves circulated the statement that they resented outside interference, and that outside interference consisted of calling meetings of their employees?


Messrs. Coats deny that statement.