HC Deb 23 May 1906 vol 157 cc1280-1
MR. LONSDALE (Armagh, Mid.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will now lay upon the Table of the House the correspondence which passed between the Government and the senate of the Royal University with reference to the disorderly and disloyal proceedings at the last conferment of degrees, together with the minutes of the senate in reference to this matter, and the opinion of the Irish Law Officers of the Crown; and whether he will state what steps the senate of the Royal University are taking to prevent further manifestations of disloyalty.


The senate of the Royal University have directed the preparation of a statement of the proceedings in reference to this matter, and when that has been received, the question of laying it and the correspondence upon the Table will be considered. I have already stated that it is not the practice to lay upon the Table the opinions of Law Officers. I am informed that the senate have directed the preparation of such statutes and regulations as may be necessary to provide the means of enforcing academic discipline and punishing academic misconduct.