HC Deb 22 May 1906 vol 157 cc1131-2

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that there are a number of persons in this country who are subject to annoyance, to fines, and to obstruction in their business operations by being unable to distinguish what communications may and may not go through the Post Office at the halfpenny rate; whether only two persons in this country have solved the problem what is bookpost or halfpenny matter; whether he has declared that these two officials disagree on the point; and whether he will still further attempt to explain and simplify the rules in the Postal Guide.


No doubt it is difficult to draw an exact line between communications which should be, or should not be, allowed to go through the Post Office at the halfpenny rate, but I think that my hon. friend greatly exaggerates the general ignorance and want of intelligence which he assumes prevails on this Question. He is, however, perhaps aware that in connection with the Postal reforms agreed to by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and mentioned in the Budget, I am about to extend the operation of the halfpenny rate, and I hope at the same time to be able to draw a clearer line and to simplify the rules.