§ MR. REDDY (King's County, Birr)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether he is aware that John Bennett, an evicted tenant, has been allotted 20 acres by the Estates Commissioners on the Denning estate, in King's County; can he say how long he has been in possession; whether he was promised a grant by the Estates Commissioners to enable him to stock his land; whether he has yet received the grant; and, if not, what is the cause of the delay.
(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) I am informed by the Estates Commissioners 899 that on the 19th February last they allotted to John Bennett a holding of about 86 acres on the estate of J. Denning. The Commissioners have sanctioned a free grant of £100 to this tenant for the provision of stock, and have instructed their inspector accordingly.