§ MR. SPEAKERinformed the House that he had received from the Judges appointed to try the several Election Petitions the following Certificate and Report relating to the Election for the Borough of Maidstono:—
The Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868, The Corrupt and Illegal Practices Acts, 1854–1895.
§ Maidstone Election.
§ To the Right Hon. The Speaker of the House of Commons.
§ We, Sir William Grantham, Knight, and Sir John Compton Lawrance, Knight, Judges of the High Court of Justice, and two of the Judges on the Rota for the time being for the Trial of Election Petitions in England and Wales, do hereby Certify in pursuance of the said Acts that upon the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th. 15th, and 16th days of May of this year, we duly held a Court at the Sessions House, Maidstone, for the trial of and did try the Election Petition for the Borough of Maidstone between Sir Francis Evans, Baronet, K.C.M.G., Petitioner, and Charles Stewart Henry, Viscount Castlereagh, Respondent.
§ And in further pursuance of the said Acts We Certify that at the conclusion of the said trial, we determined that the said Charles Stewart Henry, Viscount Castlereagh, being the Member whose Election and Return were complained of in the said Petition was duly elected and returned.
889§ And whereas charges were made in the said Petition of Corrupt and Illegal Practices having been committed at the said Election, We, in further pursuance of the said Acts, Report as follows:—
- 1. That no corrupt or illegal practice has been proved to have been committed by or with the knowledge and consent of any Candidate at the said Election.
- 2. That Henry Archibald Waring was proved to have been guilty of the illegal practice of making a payment on account of the conveyance of Electors to and from the Poll.
- 3. That corrupt or illegal practices were not proved to have, nor have we reason to believe that corrupt or illegal practices have extensively prevailed at the said Election.
- 4. That no Candidate has been proved to have been guilty by his Agents of any corrupt or illegal practice at the said Election.
- 5. That the person reported guilty of an illegal practice has been furnished with a Certificate of Indemnity.
§ A Copy of the Evidence and of our Judgment, taken by the Deputies of the Shorthand Writer of the House of Commons, accompanies this our Certificate.
§ Dated this 18th day of May, 1906.
§ Shorthand Writer's Notes laid upon the Table by Mr. SPEAKER.
§ MR. SWIFT MACNEILL (Donegal,S.)asked whether the House might expect to be furnished with the shorthand notes of the proceedings at the Yarmouth trial. He asked the Question for various reasons of which the House was in possession.
§ Mr. SPEAKERI cannot inform the hon. Member, but I will make inquiries.