§ MR. SLOANI beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland whether his attention has been called to the case of Samuel Millar, who was tried and convicted at the White Abbey petty sessions on the 10th instant for assault; whether, seeing the solicitor for the defendant was unable to be present at the outset of the case, and witnesses for the defendant were not examined, he will explain why application for adjournment was refused by the magistrates; and what action he proposes to take in the matter.
§ THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL FOR IRELAND (Mr. CHERRY, Liverpool, Exchange)I am informed that the magistrates, at the request of a representative of the defendant's solicitor, postponed the hearing of the case in question until they had disposed of all the remaining cases before them. The solicitor having then failed to appear, the case was heard, and several witnesses for the defence were examined. I have no power to interfere with the judicial action, taken by magistrates.