HC Deb 16 May 1906 vol 157 cc486-7

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will ascertain from the Inspector-General if a shorthand note taker was present at a meeting of the Kilcreele branch of the Sinn Fein Association at which Mr. P. J. Kelly, J. P., is reported to have made a speech on the subject of one Antony Daly, who was executed for shooting a land agent; if a note taker was not present, whether notes of the language attributed to Mr. Kelly, J.P., were made by the police present on the occasion, either at the time his words were spoken or afterwards, when the police returned to their barracks; if so, whether the police report substantially bears out the language attributed to Mr. Kelly; and whether he will direct the attention of the Lord Chancellor to them.


I am informed by the Inspector-General that no police shorthand note taker was present on the occasion referred to. As to the remainder of the Question, I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave to the hon. Member's previous Question on the 2nd instant, †


Was not the real object of the meeting to protest against the attempt of the landlord to destroy the policy of the present Government with regard to congested districts, and to protest also against the giving of forty years purchase for a farm in a congested district, the rent of which had been fixed by the landlord himself.


I have no particulars as to that.

MR. DUFFY (Galway, S.)

Is it not the case that Antony Daly was executed sixty years ago?


Yes, more than sixty years ago.