HC Deb 16 May 1906 vol 157 cc492-3

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has received a copy of a resolution passed by the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society, protesting against any interference with the constitution and conduct of the Department of Agricultural and Technical Instruction on lines which would bring it under the control of the General Council of County Councils of Ireland; whether he is aware that this is a purely Nationalist organisation; and whether the council of the Royal Ulster Agricultural Association will be permitted to lay its views before the Committee of Inquiry into the working of the Department.


I have received a copy of the resolution referred to. I have no knowledge of the political complexion of either the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society or the General Council of County Councils of Ireland. The question whether the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society may lay its views before the Committee of Inquiry is one for the determination of the Committee, who, I have no doubt, will give all proper consideration to any request on the subject which may be addressed to them.


Does the right hon. Gentleman know the political complexion of the County Councils Association? If not, will he inquire?


I do not see that I am called upon to do so.


Have not the Unionist Members retired from that body, so that it is now composed solely of Nationalists.


I know nothing about that.