HC Deb 16 May 1906 vol 157 c473

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether communications have passed between His Majesty's Government and the German Government respecting an alleged violation of the British frontier in South West Africa by German troops in pursuit of the insurgent leader Morenga; and whether any, and, if so, what, explanations have been afforded of the occurrence.


The German Chargé d' Affaires informed me on the 14th instant that a German Officer had pursued some insurgents over the British frontier, and that fighting had taken place on British territory. The Chargé d' Affaires stated that the German Government entirely disapproved of this, that it was contrary to instructions, and that they would take steps to prevent its recurrence. The House will no doubt appreciate, as His Majesty's Government have done, both the terms of this communication and the fact that it was made before any explanation had been asked for.