HC Deb 14 May 1906 vol 157 c177
SIR H. COTTON (Nottingham, E.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether, with reference to the excitement caused throughout India by the forcible dispersal of public meetings in the new Province of Eastern Bengal and Assam, and to the situation occasioned thereby, ho is in a position to give a general assurance of a sympathetic nature that such action is in contemplation as will tend to allay the public unrest and re-establish cordial and friendly relations between the Government and the people of the country.


I hope the hon. Gentleman, as a distinguished member of the Indian Civil Service, will believe that it is the wish and intention alike of the Local Government and of the Government of India to act in a sympathetic and considerate spirit, and to take such measures as may seem most likely to allay the excitement which has been caused by the recent administrative changes. I learn from the Governor-General that in view of the improved tone of local feeling the Lieutenant-Governor has considered himself justified in ordering the unconditional re-instatement of 300 schoolboys whoso names had been removed from the rolls, and in withdrawing the circulars previously in force prohibiting processions. I trust that in his efforts to maintain public order without recourse to extraordinary measures he will receive general support.