HC Deb 14 May 1906 vol 157 c168

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the Waterford County Council has recently passed a resolution testifying to the manner in which Mr. M. J. Bryne carried on his work during the time that he acted as horticultural instructor for the county of Waterford; whether he is aware that other public bodies in the county of Waterford had previously passed similar resolutious; and whether, in view of these recommendations, the Department will, having regard to the previous experience and to the qualifications of Mr. Bryne, sanction his appointment as horticultural instructor at the request of any county committee which decides to appoint him.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction are not aware that the Waterford County Council has recently passed such a resolution. At their meeting held on November 27th, 1905, the Waterford County Committee of Agriculture passed a resolution to the effect that Mr. Bryne was energetic and attentive to his duties while employed by them as demonstrator in horticulture, but the committee refrained from expressing any opinion as to his fitness for such a position. The Department are not prepared to approve of Mr. Bryne's appointment by any county committee, as they do not regard him as well qualified for employment under the scheme of instruction in horticulture.