HC Deb 14 May 1906 vol 157 cc147-8

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners are taking any steps to procure a holding for an evicted tenant, named Pat Rodgers, of Kilkittane, Whitegate, county Clare, whose rent was £80, and valuation only £33 10s.; is he aware that his farm was, with the adjoining lands of Tintrim, sold for £2,900 in the year 1901 to a Welshman named Davies, whose only stock at the time of inspection consisted of two cows and a donkey, and that he made an attempt at selling the evicted farm last month; and will the Land Commission be instructed to advance no more money to men of this kind.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) I am informed that the estate of Mr. Bernard Martin was sold in the Land Judge's Court to the occupying tenants in July, 1901. The lands of Tintrim and Kilkittane, part of this estate, were sold to Mr. Davies as tenant purchaser, and an advance of £2,960 was made to him under the Land Purchase Acts. I have no information as to his nationality, nor as to the amount of his stock. The half-yearly instalments of the annuity have since been punctually paid. The Estates Commissioners have received an application for reinstatement from Patrick Rodgers, and they will consider the application in connection with the sale of any untenanted land in the neighbourhood which they may acquire. I have no power to give the instructions suggested in the concluding part of the Question.