HC Deb 14 May 1906 vol 157 cc164-5

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the application of Edward Rogers, tenant, against H. de F. Montgomery, landlord, to fix a fair rent was served so long ago as October, 1898, (County Fermanagh, No. 6,410), and is still, after over seven and a half years, undisposed of; and whether, in view of the loss to Rogers, he can arrange for an early sitting of the Land Commission to dispose of that and other long-delayed cases from the county of Fermanagh.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) I am informed by the Land Commission that the originating notice was lodged by the tenant in this case on October 29th, 1898, but was dismissed by order of the Sub-commission, dated February 21st, 1900, on the grounds that the applicant was not the tenant of a present tenancy in the holding. The tenant having appealed against this order, the Appeal Court, on March 20th, 1903, discharged the order of the Sub-commission and remitted the case back to a Sub-commission to fix a fair rent. On April 21st, 1904, the Sub-commission fixed the fair rent at £38 5s., and against this decision both the tenant and landlord have appealed by notices lodged respectively on June 28th and 30th, 1904. The case will appear cm the next appeal list for the district, the elate for the hearing of which has not yet been fixed.