HC Deb 10 May 1906 vol 156 c1486
MR. EDWARD BARRY (Cork County S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether in the case of a tenant named James Hurley, near Enniskean, recently before the county court judge of the west riding of the County Cork, the court valuer who valued the farm was Mr. Richard Martin, J.P.; whether Mr. Martin is father-in-law of Mr. Levis, the agent, and also a near connection of Mrs. Gash, the landlord; and, if so, will stops will be taken in future to disqualify Mr. Martin from sitting in judgment and valuing farms in the county court in such cases as he may be a relative of either landlord or agent of the estate in question?


The county court judge informs me that he has no recollection of the case mentioned, but that he will give directions that neither of the valuers employed in his court shall inspect holdings in cases in which either the landlord or agent is related to him.