HC Deb 09 May 1906 vol 156 cc1308-9
MR. O'SHAUGHNESSY (Limerick,, W.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that Patrick Flynn, of Ahalin, Knockaderry, Nowcastle West, in the county of Limerick, tenant to the Hon. Gerald Fitzgerald of his farm, at a yearly rent of £50, went into court to have a second-term rent fixed after a period of seventeen years, and that the rent was confirmed by the Sub-Commissioners Bagot and Faulkiner by order dated 31st March, 1906; and if he can say on what grounds that decision was arrived at.

I beg also to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that the Sub-Commissioners, Messrs. Bagot and Faulkiner, in fixing second term rent on the lands of Mrs. Bridget Flanagan, of Cooliska, Castlemahon, Newcastle West, held by her from the Hon. Gerald Fitzgerald, as trustee for Lady Fitzgerald, confirmed the old rent, and if he can say whether in fixing this rent the Commissioners took into consideration the increased cost of labour within the term, and the fall in price of agricultural produce.


I have referred these Questions to the Land Commissioners, who inform me, as I have already stated in similar cases, that they do not think it right to discuss the result of the judicial decisions of sub-commission courts in reply to Questions in Parliament. The Commissioners point out that if any party to these cases is dissatisfied with the decision, he has the right of appeal. As regards the reference to the Hon. Mr. Justice Fitzgerald, the Commissioners inform me that this gentleman is only one of the trustees of the estate concerned, that he has no beneficial interest in the estate, and takes no part in its management, and that he is not aware that the proceedings in question were pending.


Are rents fixed seventeen years ago considered fair rents to-day?


I had better have notice of that Question.