HC Deb 09 May 1906 vol 156 cc1300-1
MR. ASHLEY (Lancashire, Blackpool)

In postponing my Question to the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that in the case of Mrs. Eva D'Angely, as in that of Messrs. Gerothwohl and Lavalette, the presiding magistrate at Marlborough Street, while acquitting the accused, did not in any way censure the police for the arrest; whether he has received any report from the magistrate on the police evidence; and, if so, what action he proposes to take on it; I beg to ask the right hon. Gentleman a Question of which I have given private notice—;namely whether it is the fact that since Questions have been put down on this subject the lady and her husband have been constantly shadowed by the police; that last Friday there were six detectives outside their house, that last Saturday there were four and last Monday two; whether when they went to their solicitor yesterday they were shadowed by the police, and that on coming home a detective sat by the lady in the omnibus and two others followed in a hansom. I ask, further, whether a lady who has been acquitted by a magistrate is being thus shadowed by the Home Secretary's orders. I also wish to inquire whether it is the fact that a copy of the depositions in the case was refused yesterday by Mr. Denman to the- lady's solicitor; and, if so, why.


The Answer to the last Question is that the magistrate acted in accordance with his usual practice, which is to refuse to give copies of the notes of evidence in a case where there has not been a conviction; but he informs me that if requested by myself he will be glad to furnish them, and I shall be willing to ask for them. With regard to the alleged shadowing, I received the hon. Gentleman's Question only five minutes ago, and I have no information on the subject. It is quite obvious that it was not done by my orders, if it were done at all.


I could not have given the right hon. Gentleman more notice, because I heard of the matter only twenty minutes ago. Will the right hon. Gentleman give orders that this nuisance shall cease?


I do not know that it exists. I cannot commit myself to an Answer before I make inquiries.

MR. SLOAN (Belfast, S)

Will the right hon. Gentleman make inquiries?


Of course I will.