HC Deb 08 May 1906 vol 156 cc1154-5
MR. MCKEAN (Monaghan, S.)

To ask the President of the Board of Trade if, having regard to the inconvenience caused to traders and other persons from Culleville attending markets and fairs in Castleblayney, which is the nearest town, as also having regard to the loss occasioned to Castleblayney by reason of the present defective train service, he will make representations to the Great Northern Railway Company of Ireland as will induce them to stop at least on Wednesdays the train that passes Culleville soon after three o'clock, as under existing arrangements people from the last-mentioned town attending markets and fairs in Castleblayney have barely an hour for transacting their business.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) The Board of Trade have no statutory powers in this matter, but I am sending a copy of the hon. Member's Question to the railway company for any observations they may wish to offer thereon, and I will cause the hon. Member to be communicated with on receipt of the company's reply.