HC Deb 07 May 1906 vol 156 c1100

Order for Third Reading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read the third time."


said that he did not think that after a Minister of the Crown had moved the adjournment of the House on a Bill of the kind they had been discussing the Government ought to take any further opposed business. His hon. friends who were Members of the last Parliament would remember that the practice was, that when the main debate of the evening stood adjourned under such circumstances, no further contentious business was proceeded with. Of course they should not desire that a right hon. Gentleman of the importance of the President of the Board of Trade should divide his speech, but he thought that it was a corollary to their consenting to the adjournment of the debate that no important business should be taken.

Debate to be resumed to-morrow.

Adjourned at five minutes before Eleven o'clock.