HC Deb 02 May 1906 vol 156 cc558-60
MR. CREMER (Shoreditch, Haggerston)

I wish to ask the President of the Board of Education, if he will state how many endowments were inquired into and dealt with by the Endowed Schools Commission before that body ceased to exist; what was the total value of the endowments dealt with; and how were the funds appropriated.


The powers and jurisdiction of the Endowed Schools Com- mission have been taken over by the Board of Education, and the work formerly carried on by that Commission has been continued without a break, so that the hon. Member's Question practically amounts to an inquiry as to the total amount of endowments which can be held to have been, or to be, subject to the operation of the Endowed Schools Acts. It has been estimated that the total annual income from such endowments is somewhere about £735,000. It is impossible to state in answer to a Question how such part of these funds as have been dealt with under the Endowed Schools Acts have been allocated,, whether by the Endowed Schools Commission or this Board, as the schemes under which they have been allotted number several thousands and have every variety of purpose.