HC Deb 28 March 1906 vol 154 cc1274-5

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been directed to the charge of Mr. Justice Johnson to the grand jury at the recent assizes for Cork, in which he dwelt upon the fact that there was a considerable addition to the number of persons in the county to whom it had been found necessary to afford constant protection by police patrols; and whether he proposes to take special measures to deal with this state of affairs.


I have seen a newspaper report of the learned Judge's address to the Grand Jury in which he † See (4) Debates, cliv.,396. quoted, from the county report on the East Biding of Cork, a statement to the effect mentioned in the Question. I observe, however, that the Question makes no reference to the further fact quoted from that report by the learned Judge, namely, that the Riding, generally speaking, is in a satisfactory condition. I am not aware that any special measures are necessary other than those which are at present being taken.


May I ask whether the practice of head constables and county inspectors reporting privately on the state of the district to the Judge of Assize has any analogy in England, and whether there is any objection to laying these reports on the Table for publication?


As to the last Question, I must ask for notice. With regard to the first, I am not aware what the practice is in England, but as a newspaper reader I do not see that it exists.