HC Deb 27 March 1906 vol 154 cc1088-9

Motion made, and Question proposed, That Mr. Haviland-Burke be a Member of the Committee appointed to join with the Committee of the Lords on Sunday Trading.—(Mr. Whiteley.)

MR. J. R. MACDONALD (Leicester)

wished to substitute the name of a Labour Member for that of Mr. Haviland-Burke on the ground that the working-classes should be amply represented at an inquiry into a subject in which they were so closely interested.

MR. JOHN REDMOND (Waterford)

pointed out that Mr. Haviland-Burke should be on the Committee as representing the Irish Nationalist Party, and failed to understand why he was objected to.


withdrew his objection.

MR. KEIR HARDIE (Merthyr Tydfil)

moved to omit the name of Mr. Gulland and substitute a Member of the Labour Party. He had, he said, no objection to the hon. Gentleman personally, but this was a matter which practically affected the convenience of the working-classes and the smaller shopkeepers, and therefore the Labour Party ought to be more strongly represented on that.

Amendment proposed— That the name of Mr. Gulland be omitted."—(Mr. Keir Hardie.)


said the Committees had been set up with great care, and he did not think the hon. Member could suggest that trades unionism was not represented. Mr. Enoch Edwards represented the largest trades union in the United Kingdom, and was chairman of the trade unionists on the Government side of the House. He did not think any complaint could be made in regard to the selection, and he was sorry he could not substitute another name for Mr. Gulland's.

Amendment put and negatived, and Motion agreed to.

Sir HENRY KIMBER and Mr. STUART SAMUEL nominated other Members of the Committee.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.

Ordered That two be the quorum.—(Mr. Whiteley.)