HC Deb 27 March 1906 vol 154 cc1065-6

On behalf of the hon. Member for the N.E. Division of Manchester I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that a number of unemployed workmen were recently engaged through the Manchester Corporation Distress Committee, as sandwichmen, at 1s. 6d. per day, being 6d. less than the usual rate; and whether he will recommend these committees to maintain an established rate of pay.


I have communicated with the Clerk to the Manchester Distress Committee and am informed that the men referred to had their names down on the Labour Register and that they were engaged by an advertising agent from a large number of men who were assembled in the Police Yard. I am also informed that the terms of payment were a matter of arrangement between the men and the employers, and that the Distress Committee had nothing to do with the fixing of the rate of payment or the selection of the men engaged.